Student Number
Roey Tsemah
Educational Institution
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Communication & Multimedia Design
Figure 1
A Thesis Project attempting to humanize our Smartphones.
In 2007, Steve Jobs presented a device that was so intuitive, that it was mind-boggling. Technology that extends our capabilities as humans with an interface that made other computers look like rocket science. The smartphone was born and it was supposed to be the ultimate tool for humans to live.
Figure 2
14 years later, smartphones are everywhere. Around half of all people in the world own one of these devices (Orberlo, 2021). There is a trillion-dollar industry behind something that is such a big part of our lives. The business models of the industries are relying on the fact that we use these devices as much as possible, which is why their development has taken turns that don't put humans first at all times.
This project is dedicated to the problems of smartphones. Smartphones are amazing, you use them to connect to the world, document your life, and access loads of information. Smartphones are like upgraded Swiss Army knives, the ultimate tools that can help you in nearly any situation.